News: 2018 IECC requirements are now in effect for Pennsylvania builders.
New infiltration target of 3 ACH50
Increase from 75% to 90% high efficacy lighting
News: Tax Credit Extended - 10 Years of Tax Credits ( January 1, 2023 until December 31, 2033)
$2,500 for ENERGY STAR Certified Homes (ENEGY STAR New Homes)
$5,000 for DOE Zero Energy Ready Homes (DOE ZERH Website)
2018 IECC - Blower Door Infiltration Testing
Harmony Home Energy, as determined by the code official, may act as the approved third party to conduct infiltration testing and will provide a signed written report of the results of the test for the code official.
Compliance service provided to meet section R402.4.1.2 for infiltration testing mandatory in the 2018 IECC.
The building or dwelling unit shall be tested and verified as having an air leakage rate not exceeding five air changes per hour in Climate Zones 1 and 2, and three air changes per hour in Climate Zones 3 through 8.
HERS Rating Service
Builders can determine if their homes comply with the 2018 IECC using the Energy Rating Index (ERI) compliance path.
Section R406.2 provides options in energy code compliance, and include the benefit of a complete HERS Ratings. HERS Ratings ensure quality, comfort and value for home builders and buyers.
Learn more about the nationally recognized HERS Index Score here.
2018 IECC - Duct Leakage Testing
Harmony Home Energy, as determined by the code official, may act as the approved third party to conduct duct leakage testing and will provide a signed written report of the results of the test for the code official.
Compliance service provided to meet section R403.3.4 for duct leakage testing mandatory in the 2018 IECC. Total leakage shall be measured with a pressure differential of 0.1 inch w.g. (25 Pa) across
the system, including the manufacturer’s air handler
enclosure if installed at the time of the test.
Total Leakage can be tested at rough-in or postconstruction. Generally, leakage must be less than or equal to 4% of the conditioned floor area of the home. System tested at rough-in with no air-handler installed must achieve leakage less than or equal to 3% of the condition floor area.
Start working with us...
Harmony Home Energy provides service in Armstrong, Butler, Clarion, Crawford, Erie, Lawrence and Mercer counties.